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This is a special edition of the Festival 25 years after the death of Townes Van Zandt and for the occasion we have reissued the double cd When The Wind Blows which can be purchased in the theater or online.

Click here to purchase the CD

CD 1

  1. Jaime Michaels - Snowin on Raton
  2. Luke Bulla feat. Paolo Ercoli - Heavenly Houseboat Blues
  3. Christian Kjellvander - Tower Song
  4. Terry Allen - White Freightliner Blues
  5. Joe Ely - If I Needed You
  6. Thom Chacon - Still Looking for You
  7. Slaid Cleaves with Scrappy Jud Newcomb - Colorado Bound
  8. Andrea Parodi - Tecumseh Valley
  9. Ben & Kari Bedford - Snow Don’t fall
  10. David Corley feat. Sarah McDermott and Hugh Christopher Brown - To Live is to Fly
  11. Session Americana - My Proud Mountain
  12. Kimmie Rhodes feat. Bobbie Nelson - Catfish Song
  13. David Olney - For the Sake of the Song
  14. The Orphan Brigade - Katie Belle Blue
  15. Sam Baker - Come Tomorrow
  16. Malcolm Holcombe - Dollar Bill Blues

CD 2

  1. Jono Manson - At My Window
  2. Chris Jagger - Ain’t Leavin Your Love
  3. Gurf Morlix - Marie
  4. Bocephus King and Flophouse Jr. - Rex’s Blues
  5. Anana Kaye & Irakli Gabriel – Rake
  6. Matt Harlan - You Are Not Needed Now
  7. Chris Buhalis - Highway Kind
  8. Radoslav Lorković - Flyin Shoes
  9. James Maddock - Loretta
  10. Jeff Talmadge with Jeff Tveraas - I’ll be Here in the Morning
  11. Richard Lindgren – Lungs
  12. Tim Grimm - Colorado Girl
  13. Catherine MacLellan - When She Don’t Need Me
  14. Michael McDermott - Waiting Around to Die
  15. Paul Sachs - Pancho & Lefty
  16. Jack Trooper - Our Mother the Mountain




Production Coordinators: Andrea Parodi & Jono Manson

Mastered by David Glasser at Airshow Mastering, Boulder Colorado, USA

Cover Sketch by Sam Baker
Photos by Fabio Nosotti - 1995, Sesto Calende, Italy
CD Sketch by Ivan Graziani (A great Italian songwriter who died on January 1st 1997, the same day as Townes Van Zandt)

Album Artwork Design: Manuela Hüber

All lyrics and music composed by Townes Van Zandt.

A big THANK YOU to all of the musicians, artists, producers, managers, engineers and everyone else whose hard work made this record possible.

Snowin on Raton - Jaime Michaels
Produced by Jono Manson
Recorded and Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM
Additional recording by Andrea Facheris and Marco Ongis at Loft-1, Bergamo, Italy
Mark Clark - Drums
Ronnie Johnson - Bass Guitar
Jon Graboff - Pedal Steel, Mandolin, High Strung Guitar, Electric 12 String Guitar
Jono Manson - Acoustic Guitar, Background vocals
Claudia Buzzetti - Background vocals
Jaime Michaels - Lead Vocal

Heavenly Houseboat Blues
Luke Bulla feat. Paolo Ercoli
Recorded at Southern Ground in Nashville by Preston White
Luke Bulla: vocal, fiddle, guitar
Paolo Ercoli: dobro /


Tower Song
Christian Kjellvander
Recorded and mixed at ljudriket
9th of february at 14:43 by Ruben Engzell

Christian Kjellvander - vocals and guitar


White Freightliner Blues
Terry Allen
Produced by Jono Manson
Recorded and Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM
Terry Allen: Vocal/Keyboard
Jono Manson: Electric Guitar
Jon Graboff: Pedal Steel
Ronnie Johnson: Bass
Mark Clark: Drums /

If I Needed You
Joe Ely
Recorded, produced and performed
by Joe Ely at Rattlesnake Gulch



Still Looking for You
Thom Chacon
Recorded at Bamboo Recording Studio in Torrance, CA
Mixed at Pie Studios in Glen Cove, NY
Produceced and mixed by Perry Margouleff
Engineered by Taylor Barefoot
Thom Chacon: Guitar, Vocals
Arlan Schierbaum: Wurlitzer, Mini Moo

Colorado Bound
Slaid Cleaves with Scrappy Jud Newcomb
Produced, engineered, and mixed by Brian Brinkerhoff and Frank Swart at Skunkworks Studios, Capitola, California
Slaid Cleaves: vocal and acoustic guitar
Scrappy Jud Newcomb: lead acoustic guitar

Tecumseh Valley
Andrea Parodi
Produced by Jono Manson
Recorded and Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM
Additional recording by Simone Giorgi at Downtown Studios, Pavia, Italy
Mark Clark - Drums
Ronnie Johnson - Bass Guitar
Jon Graboff - Pedal Steel, Mandolin
Jono Manson - Acoustic Guitar, Electric Tenor Guitar
Riccardo Maccabruni - Accordion

Andrea Parodi - Lead Vocal

Snow Don’t Fall
Ben & Kari Bedford
Recorded at Umedia, Springfield, Illinois by David Cain
Acoustic guitar and vocal- Ben Bedford
Harmony vocal- Kari Bedford


To Live is to Fly
David Corley feat. Sarah McDermott and Hugh Christopher Brown
Recorded at The Post Office, Wolfe Island Ontario by Hugh Christopher Brown
David Corley and Sarah Mcdermott: vocals
Instruments played by Hugh Christopher Brown
Bob Talbot - harmonica
Additional recording by Larry Smeyak, Lafayette Indiana

My Proud Mountain
Session Americana
Recorded at Leafy studio NYC. by Jefferson Hamer
Lethe lounge studio.
Mark Ettinger on piano, Dinty child organ
Billy beard drums
Jim fitting harmonica
Ry Cavanaugh guitar vocals
Jefferson Hamer guitar vocals

Catfish Song
Kimmie Rhodes feat. Bobbie Nelson
Recorded at Pedernales Studio in Austin, TX
Producer/Engineer: Joe Gracey
Kimmie Rhoded: vocal
Bobbie Nelson: piano 

For the Sake of the Song
David Olney
Recorded at Guido's Studio South
Producer/Engineer: Mark Robinson
David Olney-vocal and guitar
Irakli Gabriel - guitar
Anana Kaye- vocal and keyboards
Daniel Seymour - upright bass

Katie Belle Blue
The Orphan Brigade
Produced by Neilson Hubbard
Recorded at Skinny Elephant
Engineered and mixed by Dylan Alldredge
Ben Glover vocals and acoustic
Joshua Britt vocals and mandolin
Neilson Hubbard vocals and drum

Come Tomorrow
Sam Baker
Recorded, produced and performed by Sam Baker at BueLimeStone



Dollar Bill Blues
Malcolm Holcombe
Recorded at Gypsy Eyes Studios
Malcolm Holcombe: acoustic guitar; vocals.


At My Window
Jono Manson
Produced by Jono Manson
Recorded and Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM
Mark Clark - Drums
Ronnie Johnson - Bass Guitar
Jon Graboff - Pedal Steel, Mandolin, High Strung Guitar
Andy Kingston - Wurlizer Electric Piano
Jono Manson - Acoustic Tenor Guitar, Lead Vocal

Ain’t Leavin Your Love
Chris Jagger
Recorded at Morgan Studio
Chris Jagger/acoustic guitar,harmonica
Kit Morgan, guitar,bass, engineering
Charlie Hart Fiddle/Mix


Gurf Morlix
Recorded, produced and performed by Gurf Morlix at Rootball Studio​​


Rex’s Blues
Bocephus King and Flophouse Jr.
Recorded at JFD Studios
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Flophouse Jr.
Bocephus King, Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
Flophouse Jr, Vocals, Banjo, Bass, Percussion, Lap steel, Mellotron, Piano


Anana Kaye & Irakli Gabriel
Produced by Anana Kaye and Irakli Gabriel
Recorded and mixed by Max Garceau
Anana Kaye: Vocals, keyboards
Irakli Gabriel: Guitars

You Are not Needed Now
Matt Harlan
Recorded at Archer Street Studios, Houston, Tx
Producer/Engineer - Scott Benton
Engineer - Ben Jarrad Thompson
Matt Harlan - vox / guitar
Paolo Ercoli - dobro

Highway Kind
Chris Buhalis
Recorded at Big Sky Recording. Ann Arbor, MI
Produced, Engineered and mixed by Geoff Michael
Chris Buhalis: vocal, acoustic guitar
Jeff Plankenhorn : pedal steel


Flyin Shoes
Radoslav Lorkovic
Recorded at Transient Sound, Chicago by Tyler
Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM



James Maddock
Recorded at His House / Innsbruck studios in Brooklyn, NY by Roman Klun
Aaron Comess drums
Ben Stivers keyboards
Drew Mortali bass
James Maddock; Vocal, guitars

I’ll Be Here in the Morning
Jeff Talmadge with Jeff Tveraas
Recorded at Cheshire Moon Studios by Jeff Tveraas
Jeff Talmadge: guitar and vocal
Jeff Tveraas: second guitar, bass and percussion


Richard Lindgren
Recorded and mixed at Studio Klappland by Ale William Sjostrom and Christoffer Olsson
Richard Lindgren: acoustic guitar and vocal
Ale William Sjostrom: bass



Colorado Girl
Tim Grimm
Recorded at Hollow Reed Studio in Ashville NC by Chris Rosser (engineer)
Tim Grimm- vocals, guitar
Jackson Grimm- banjo, 2 nd guitar, vocals
Jan Lucas-Grimm- harmonica, vocals


When She Don’t Need Me
Catherine MacLellan 
Recorded, produced and angineered at home by Catherine MacLellan 
Catherine MacLellan, guitars, vocals, percussion


Waiting Around to Die
Michael McDermott
Recorded at Pauper Sky Studios, Willow Springs, IL 
Performed/Produced by Michael McDermott


Pancho & Lefty
Paul Sachs
Recorded at Mark Dann studio’s
Engineer, Mark Dann
Produced by Paul Sachs and Mark Dann
Paul Sachs, vocals, Guitar, Mark Dann Bass and Electric Guitar

Our Mother the Mountain
Jack Trooper
Produced by Jono Manson
Recorded and Mixed by Jono Manson at The Kitchen Sink, Santa Fe NM
Additional Recording by Eric Ambel at Evie's Terrace, Brooklyn NY
Jono Manson - Acoustic Guitars
Jon Graboff - Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Weisenborn, Baritone Guitar
Jack Trooper - Lead Vocal
